About-DHii imageAbout-DHii image
DHII Academy is the vision of highly qualified and professional Mothers. Who felt that there was a huge GAP/LAG in the education being offered to their children and the demands of global education and competencies.   Their pursuit to close the GAP or fulfill the LAG, led them to model a teaching system which was based on wholesome values of comprehensive teaching.

  1. DHII Academy is committed to make the learning process more intuitive. 
  2. Enquiry based learning methodologies bring the element of inquisitiveness. 
  3. The critical element of learning or teaching is to effectively ENGAGE, INTERACT, ADAPT to the student.
  4. We focus on kindling their interest and help them build it into a flame. 

Our Academy is the brain child of Mothers. Mothers who are IITians, Gold medalists and achievers in Science and Maths.

Our focus is on Student Engagement, about what the student brings to higher education in terms of;
  1. Goals 
  2. Aspirations
  3. Values and 
  4. Beliefs.
Our focus is to construct and re-construct their cognitive and behavioral make-up in powerful ways and make them realise their potential.

Our greater Objective is to Bridge the learning gap, With :
  1. In-depth insights, 
  2. Assessments to make quality learning accessible to all students.

Learning is Empowerment ! Creativity is Excitement ! Our pursuit is to create "Empowered Minds".